Social Media Is Changing Recruitment

For many years, job seekers were at the mercy of job portals, if the candidate dolled out extra dollars, they would be featured in the profile job search, or come at the top of the search rankings. The advent of LinkedIn and other social media channels broke the monopoly of resume hoarding companies. I? am pained by the fact that 850 million people are unemployed or underemployed in the top 7 countries globally, giving employers unfettered access to the resumes and talent, would have reduced this numbers for sure.

The Social media has played its role and smaller companies; especially the startups can scout through talent on Facebook or LinkedIn and optimize the tiny pot of seed funding they have. A resume on a job site is an isolated or the best foot forward version of the prospective candidate. By glancing through the openly accessible social media profile and their friends or connections, companies have deeper data points even before meeting the candidate. Most of the prospective employers can build a cultural profile of the candidate by looking at the likes, shares, and other social media activity. The companies do the first level of reference checking even before calling the candidate, in case they find a common trustworthy connection.

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For many years, it is a known fact that the new hires fail because of behavioral skills and not because of the technical or hard skills. By using the social media data, one can assess the cultural fit and the behavioral traits early on, the interview is then about validating the assumptions the company has made by glancing through the publicly available data. The usage of social media in recruiting is making the interview sessions robust and possibly the quality of candidates hired is better than before. I am not saying that the interview cannot be done without social media input, the usage allows the company to fast track the interview process, as it can jump to testing the assumptions straight on.

Wait for a few years and the Artificial Intelligence algorithm will automatically scan the social media tracks of the prospective candidate and match it with the hiring manager or company employees tracks, the algorithm will predict the degree of behavioral match bewteen them. These advances will make hiring more robust, for no one wants to be on the wrong si

Japreet Sethi

One thought on “Social Media Is Changing Recruitment

  1. Hey there! Thanks for writing this! We have come a long way in terms of hiring. So thankful for social media! 🙂

    I noticed an error and I thought you might like to know. “The Social media has played its role and smaller companies; ”

    Thanks again!

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