Widespread changes in the organizational environment have led to fundamental changes in how work gets done. Team members are highly interdependent on each other to get the work done. Thus, a managers task has become even more difficult with these changes and he/ she gets pushed from both the sides.
To simplify your work life,these are the nine things you can do as a manager to drive high performance in your team especially if are working in a new age organization or if? your sector is getting disrupted by new players.
Provide Fair and Precise Informal Feedback
Fair and precise informal feedback from you can be the most effective strategy for driving high performance at work. In a more interconnected, fast-changing work environment, employees often feel they don?t get fair and accurate feedback on their performance and that it?s given at the wrong time. You as a manager must ensure fairness and accuracy of informal feedback by obtaining it from a knowledgeable sources, providing it at the right time, and verifying it reflects an individual?s contributions rather than the team output.
Emphasize Employee Strengths
By focusing on employee strengths, you are reinforcing performance-enhancing behavior and helping your team members in identifying where to contribute to the enterprise. Employee engagement and performance effort will fall substantially, if you focus excessively on performance weaknesses without targeted feedback for improvement.
Clarify Performance Expectations
As a manager you should strive to provide specific, result oriented clarification on performance expectations; by doing so, you will improve the performance of your team members. Clarity on performance standards?what success looks like?is much more important than precisely defined company wide goals or annual plans. Your team member wants to know what he/she needs to do to make the company grow?
Provide Feedback on Skill Sets Needed For Future
Given the increasing pace of change in the new work environment, employees? contributions to the organization can change dramatically from year to year. Focusing reviews on what needs to be done versus what has been done is of more benefit to employees and helps them in being long-term contributors. Providing feedback on both past laurels and future skill needs can give your organization multi-fold returns in future.
Get Wider Feedback on Employee Performance
To accurately gauge employee contribution in an environment where employees are coordinating with 10?20 other employees daily, managers need to get wider feedback from other employees. However, you should elicit feedback only from the people who understand the employee?s work. You can gather peer feedback from employees with accurate and relevant knowledge of their colleagues work, A word of caution, be cognizant of the fact that employees from the same team should not be ideally considered for giving feedback on each other, unless you are planning to do a 360 degree review.
Tell Them How They Are Making A Difference To The Company
Employees find it difficult to navigate the broader responsibilities of the organization. Apart from laying down their roles and responsibilities, managers need to help them by clearly specifying how their role makes a broader contribution and how they specifically can contribute to the company growth. This will keep your team members charged up and as result, they would remain in high performance league.
Facilitate Relationships with Colleagues and Other Important Stakeholders
As Manager help employees navigate relationships by facilitating key connections and allowing employees to use those connections to direct and support their work.
Encourage External Network Building
In the new work environment, employees? performance is more than ever affected not just by people in the organization but also people outside the organization. In fact, employees? extended external networks (outside their immediate team) impact employee performance more than coworkers in their business unit. As a manager, help your employees in growing their network.
Be Genuinely Committed To Employee Development
The simple presence or absence of a development plan has little impact on employee performance contribution. But managers who create quality plans that convince employees of the organizations commitment to them and their development can improve enterprise contribution a great deal through signaling a sincere, credible, and realistic commitment to the employee.
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Employees perceive insincerity on behalf of their managers when development planning does not stem from a credible commitment to their professional growth?and can ?disengage? as a result. In short, no plan may be a better option than a poorly designed, insincere plan. Development plans primarily impact performance contribution through building employee engagement?but only when the plans signal ?credible commitment.? Credible commitments occur when the organization makes a series of costly investments to demonstrate it is sincerely committed to employees, will follow through on its intentions, and, in short, ?means business.? Development plans achieve these goals when managers expend the effort to customize plans to individual employee needs and provide the necessary resources and opportunities to support the plan?s success.