Your resume is a potent tool that can land you a HR interview call and maybe a dream job?you’ve?been waiting for. These resume writing tips can increase your chances of securing an interview call.
Your Resume?Communicates How You Fit the Job
A resume is actually a short account of a person’s career, which can demonstrate how the applicant fits the job requirements and qualifications that the reader is really looking for. This means you can take active steps to assist the recruiter in finding whatever he is looking for, thereby increasing the number of job interviews you are going to receive. Inserting a summary of skills on the cover page is a good idea to get a HR Interview call.
Have a Marketing Viewpoint Towards Resume Writing.
When you craft a decent-looking resume, you aren’t just trying to land a HR interview call. You are, in fact, marketing yourself in front of the decision makers.
It’s important to grab their attention and retain it – that is essentially what’s going to make them contact you for a HR interview. As Don Goodman, national-level career expert mentions, “Writing a compelling opening statement as well as a branding statement in your resume can land you the perfect job you are waiting for. You just need to add the WOW factor to it!”
The “So What” Method For Resume Writing
Whenever you write something in your resume associate it to some advantage you think you’ll be offering to the employer, simply visualize the person who’s reading your resume keeps saying “so what? ? to all your claims. “And then attempt to answer their ‘so what?’
Experience Matters, But Not That Much
Most of the companies today do search for professionals who have past experience in doing the job and still better if they are currently in a similar role. This does make getting a HR interview call difficult.
One of the biggest career experts recommends this approach -“? A good way to handle this issue is to place a summary towards the top of your resume expressing how your experience is the perfect match for the job requirements. And then, put much less detail about what you’ve done in your last job and a lot more detail regarding the job where you did what they are looking for,”?. This would help you to differentiate yourself and get an early HR interview call.
No One’s Ever Going To Take Some Time Out Only To Read Your Resume.
Though people may simply scan it, read bits of it, or look for keywords and phrases in it. But, no one is going to go through your resume from the beginning till the end ? most of the key decision takers just don’t have the time,” says a renowned career expert Molisani. This is one more reason why the first page of the resume must indicate that you’ve got what the reader is actually looking for to decide who is worth calling for the first round of HR interview.
If they don’t find what we are looking for on the very first page, it may confirm their presumption that you aren’t qualified, so they may just stop reading further and you will not get called for a HR Interview.
What Do You Do?
What you actually do in your job is much more important than your fancy job title; make sure that you are not lost in the title game. Have some meat to your job title. Empty titles are best avoided as they would get your resume to trash bin faster than anything else , thereafter you can forgot the chances of securing a HR interview with company for at least couple of months.
Following some of these tips will for sure increase your chances of securing a HR interview call; an interview call is just the beginning. Make sure you have your personal value proposition ready with solid proof. Happy Job hunting!

These pointers are very sharp and helpful.