Earning that extra money is becoming a need, as in today’s competitive world it’s getting difficult by the day to be able to make a decent living for one. Ever rising expenses, inflation, medical care, family expenses, children’s education etc make a deep hole in your pocket. Under such circumstances one is often compelled to either compromise on one’s quality of life or take loans which later on become difficult to repay and expensive due to high interest rates.
No matter how much you try, you end up spending more than you earn and end up in a pile of debt with unpaid credit card bills, EMI’s or bank loans. All this creates additional financial and mental stress often upsetting your financial goals and at times even your personal or family life.
We all aspire for a good life, with the basic amenities one requires for oneself and his family. But in order to get something you should also be able to give something. To earn that extra money a lot of people nowadays are moonlighting. It basically means having a secondary job in addition to your first one. A little extra pocket money would go a long way in achieving your long term financial goals. It gives you the much needed boost to be able to meet your needs and desires.
There are various options today if you want to do an additional or part time job. Like working at a store, restaurant, mall, driving a cab or Uber , etc. The list is endless and non exhaustive. Some people do it every day after their regular jobs, some do it on the weekend. You need to choose for yourself what suits you the most.
However, one also needs to note that in order to earn that extra money you are not stretching yourself too much. In addition to the extra money you will be earning ,one also needs to put in that extra time and effort which can sometimes leave you fatigued. We all need a break from work, some time for ourselves to refresh and rejuvenate yourself. When one is moonlighting , you will hardly find time for anything else. It will eat up on your personal time, your family time.
You may not be able to spend the time you like with your parents, your partner and your children. It can also often lead to stress and mental and physical exhaustion as your body also needs rest to recuperate. In such a scenario it can often lead to a feeling of resentment and un-fulfilment in your personal as well as family life.
So one must try and take stock of the situation so that it does not affect your life as a whole. One needs to prioritise what is essential for one’s well being. It would behoove you to make a list and see what can be done to bring down your expenses as much as possible to reduce that financial strain. Then you can look at jobs if necessary that do not eat up on your family time and are less demanding and stressful so that a balancing act can be done between your job and family.
By doing so it becomes a win-win situation for everyone and lets you moonlight as well.
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