Social Media has removed the information?asymmetry?between companies and consumers.In a rapidly changing & increasingly globalized world , organization?s are constantly looking for ways to improve their products and identify relationship building opportunities with their customers. In the same fashion consumers are increasingly providing their opinion and seeking value for money. The sharing effects of social media have opened new channels for spreading messages beyond the source of the message at minimal incremental cost.?Social media is becoming ?number one priority for a lot of companies. They want to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other similar tools to build their brand and customer loyalty.
Majority of social media networks are free for consumers thereby allowing marketers to reach their target consumers at an extremely cost. As a result, social media is increasingly replacing the other means to become a primary method of reaching the target audience. Social Media accounts, including both Consumer and Enterprise accounts, across the world are expected to grow from about 3.1 billion in 2012, to 4.9 billion in 2016.A report from BIA/Kelsey has forecasted USD 11 billion of social ad spend by 2017 a huge jump from USD 4.7 billion in 2012.
Given that social media management is a new stream, employers are struggling to find new employees with a proven track record.This has opened up an entirely new career segment which will only grow with time, It will not be incorrect to call social media as the new sunrise industry.
The most important quality one requires to make a successful career in social media management realm is that you must be enthusiastic about connecting with people and listening to what they say. Your primary goal is to engage with your target audience and to have an in-depth knowledge of the use of social media. It has even become essential for HR departments to scour social media sites to recruit new talent or vet potential employees applying to a company.
The only way to learn about social media management is to jump into the deep end and start becoming active on it. Your first task is to create profiles on as many social media sites as possible and start building a list of fans and followers. Unless you know how to use these sites yourself and have a significant web presence on them, you cannot advise a person or company how to use them. Create an experience of being engaging and interactive. Listen to the chatter on Facebook, Twitter and read the influencers on LinkedIn. Join LinkedIn groups and ask intelligent questions. Answer other people?s questions if you have something valuable to add to the conversation.
On Twitter and Facebook, use hashtags in moderation and follow other social media gurus and popular figures to learn how they engage their audience. Learn the popular lingo and context that is unique to each site and share content that is targeted to each site?s audience. Keep testing and learning, see what kind of content gets the best response and post more of it. Visual content is big, so it might help to learn how to create graphics on the fly, so you can respond to popular memes quickly.
One of the best ways to get a quick education in social media and get a job as a social media professional is to opt for any one of the courses available through the various institutes below.
??????Digital Vidya
They are India?s largest digital marketing training company with a number of excellent courses in digital marketing, social media and inbound marketing. They offer a Certified Social Media Marketing Professional (CSMMP?) course as a number of video modules online followed by a test at an Aptech center near you .You will get the CSMMP certificate and the knowledge to give you a head start in becoming a successful social media marketing professional. These certifications are created in partnership with VSkills ? A Govt. of India Initiative.
??????WATConsult?s Social Media Course
This is India?s first Certified Social Media course that aims to be a comprehensive course on social media marketing & communications. WATConsult has been engaging in providing Social Media consulting to global clients for the last 4 yrs & has deep expertise & insights into Social Media tools & marketing strategies. This Social Media Course is certified by IAMAI ? Internet & Mobile Association of India. IAMAI, founded in 2004, is the only specialized industry body in India representing the interests of online and mobile value added services industry. It believes in promoting the Digital economy.IAMAI & WATConsult have joined hands to deliver this course to aid the corporate and student community in demystifying Social Media and its practices. They also offer a number of master classes in Twitter, Facebook and Viral marketing as separate modules.
??????DMI?s Certification in Social and Mobile Marketing
Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) is a global leader in training professionals in digital marketing. Their Certification in Social and Mobile Marketing program is a flagship program designed to provide students with a foundation and skill set in the new, evolving world of social media tools and strategies.This Program will help you understand the use of social media channels for brand building, loyalty marketing, customer service, PR, crisis management and in all possible other business applications.
??????PG Certificate in Digital Marketing
The EduKart Online PG Certificate in Digital Marketing program is a 11 month online learning program which leads to a Post Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing from Internet and Mobile Association of India and EduKart.Along with this, you will get weekly sessions with Industry Experts (over the internet), placement assistance, books and CD to pursue the course even when you are offline.
With these certifications under your belt, you need to keep learning and continue to grow your own online presence, as it is part of your personal brand. Because social media is a very rapidly changing field, with new updates being made almost every day, it is essential to keep up with news in the industry and to share it with your fans and followers.
Many social media management experts choose to specialize in one or more fields of knowledge, such as Lead generation, Facebook advertising or Linked In networking. You can choose to do the same as you grow your own personal brand and build a career in the social media management realm.
?Jappreet Sethi

Amazing Website , very helpful
Amazing Post!
need Google adwords certification details & great information about career in social media management