Executive Function: Why Some People Get Stuck While Others Soar
Many professionals struggle with imposter syndrome, fear of failure, or resistance to stepping out of their comfort zone, all of which can impede the development of executive function.
Many professionals struggle with imposter syndrome, fear of failure, or resistance to stepping out of their comfort zone, all of which can impede the development of executive function.
Cross-functional roles are not just a pathway to personal growth but also a strategy for organizational success. They foster a culture of learning, innovation, and collaboration that can drive companies forward.
The journey to becoming a 21st Century Leader is both challenging and rewarding. It demands a deep understanding of the nuanced landscape of modern leadership, characterized by emotional intelligence, adaptability, and a coaching mindset.
Persistence is the golden thread that weaves through the tapestry of success stories, from tech giants like Mark Zuckerberg to inspirational figures like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs. These luminaries embody the essence of persistence, demonstrating its pivotal role in achieving monumental success. The narrative of persistence is not just about the grand victories but…
By far, the most significant risk of underperformance occurs during the transition into first line management, most of the new incumbents struggle to gain traction for their new roles.
Warren Buffett, born on 30th August 1930 is commonly known as the Wizard of Omaha. After having less than $10,000 in the bank in the mid-1950s, Buffett today commands a net worth of more than USD 80 billion, according to data from Forbes. Here are the lessons that budding entrepreneurs can learn from the extraordinary…
Success in developmental coaching means building the capacity to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and authenticity. It’s about taking ownership of your past, facing the future with courage, and maintaining genuine relationships without losing your sense of self.
A motivational coach listens with empathy, really trying hard to imagine what it might be like to be the other person, trying to feel ?as if? they were in the other person?s shoes, communicating this attempt at understanding with reflective listening statements of varying degrees of complexity and summaries.
With the rapid changes in the world economy coupled with geopolitical divides, organizations are going through challenging times. The unexpected changes have left employees grasping for direction and support; Mentoring is the most common way of filling this void and help the employees navigate through turbulent times. Easier said than done, designing and implementing a…
Strategic leadership is pivotal for anyone aiming to ascend in the corporate world. It involves mastering the language of strategy, recognizing the value of planning, looking beyond the immediate horizon, and embracing the complexity inherent in strategic thinking.
Don?t let criticism prevent you from taking the lead, however, don?t be blind to the right suggestions. To do this, break the journey into smaller milestones, and after completing a milestone, reflect and see what could have been done better
As a leader have a role in making the cultural change work succeed. You have to make an endeavor to establish the formal conditions for a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that enable effective interactions in a cross – cultural framework.
By focusing on the holistic measure of potential, we can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and leadership. Whether you’re an individual aiming for your next career milestone or an organization looking to nurture future leaders, understanding and measuring potential is key to unlocking success.
As a team leader, you need to remember that leading remote international teams requires creating new ways to work together. These tips will help you in deciphering the complex task of leading a remote international team successfully.
Electing a CEO isn’t just about choosing a leader; it’s about aligning the company’s strategy and cultural attitude. Through the election process, employees and leaders come together to reflect on the company’s direction and how it should evolve.
The matrixed employee is also saddled with the additional burden of negotiating among the competing objectives of multiple bosses, some of who may be rarely seen in person. No wonder the matrix is so difficult to make it work and most of the employees call it a nightmare.
The most successful individuals recognize the power of continuous learning. Regardless of your current skill set, it’s vital to understand that what you know today may not suffice tomorrow.
You are in a important meeting debriefing the team about how to win the next big contract and here you have a team member who is asking stupid questions or reducing the depth of thought by cracking jokes, what do you do? Throw him out, or continue as it is? And sacking the employee is…
Change management is an amalgamation of art and science and requires a combination of both people and system-focused skills. Depending on the kind of change being undertaken, different skills will come into play. The key skills needed you will need to be a change master are
??A good leader does not become so based on what he says. He becomes so based on what he does. Followers or peers will watch you and make impression about your leadership ability based on your actions and not on your speeches. Any ?saying-doing gap? and the leader will lose credibility. Gandhi will remain as one of the best leaders in world?s history as there was no saying-doing gap.
Continuous learning and skill development are indispensable in your quest to race ahead in your career. Staying updated with the latest industry trends, technologies, and skills can set you apart from your peers.
Leading is sophisticated and sometimes difficult task; leading from a distance appears to be even more so because of the extra complexity introduced by the remote context. This is both a good news/ bad news situation.
Known weaknesses won?t get you into as much trouble as your blind spot would, for you can loop around and compensate for your known weakness. In case of a blind spot, you are completely unprepared and at your wits to tackle the blizzard as and when it hits you in the face.
For long the task of developing leaders has been outsourced to the Human Resources department, save a few most of them have spent millions of dollars without any fruitful results.? Leadership is an experience and it would be na?ve to assume that by attending classroom lectures one can master it, as many researchers say, leadership…
Leadership remains an enigma for most of the employees, prescriptions abound ranging from how to dress up, to using Freud?s psychoanalytic tools. Now all these look good on the paper, but falter while being implemented by the employee on the ground. So what can you do in day-to-day work and still be on the leadership…
If you have an idea, act on it fast. Think it through, work with friends to grow it, and the rest will follow. Invest in people ? help them grow ? as professionals and individuals – and they will be your biggest equity. During an entrepreneurial journey, you shouldn?t be afraid of making a wrong choice or taking a risk. Once you have taken a decision, don?t regret it, but learn from it and grow. Trust your instincts, if you don’t no one else will.
Over the years I have met scores of senior executives, one question that I would get from them every year would be ? ? What?s the best way to give feedback to my super stars on their performance, they are already on cloud nine.? Managers want to recognise their stars and help them do even…
With over 20,000 books and millions of articles about the critical elements of leadership and its overall impact, the issue of leadership really must be important to organisations. Most organizations have lavish budgets and allot lots of time and effort on improving employee and manager capabilities and also nurturing new leaders. In the USA itself,…
For women leaders, this might mean reaching out to mentors, peers, and even individuals outside their industry to gain fresh insights and perspectives. Failing to invest in these relationships can lead to a narrow view of leadership and missed opportunities for collaboration and growth.
Last month, I went to Omaha for the annual?Berkshire Hathaway?shareholders meeting. It?s always a lot of fun, and not just because of the ping-pong matches and the newspaper-throwing contest I have with Warren Buffett. It?s also fun because I get to learn from Warren and gain insight into how he thinks. Here are three things…