Upskilling Your Team: Enhancing Productivity and Engagement
Upskilling your team is a crucial step towards preparing them for higher responsibilities and enhancing their task delivery both efficiently and effectively.
Upskilling your team is a crucial step towards preparing them for higher responsibilities and enhancing their task delivery both efficiently and effectively.
It?s a tough world out there, with newer technologies eating the older behemoths and pushing them in oblivion. It?s a matter of time before we see organizations restructure themselves to face the new world order, that is hyper-connected and hyper-automated.
So what can you do to avoid slipping into oblivion when restructuring happens, try doing these things to stay ahead of the pack, you need to make your career resilient to the future shocks, don?t be a sitting duck.
Germans like things to be on time (at work, when expecting parcels from the post office, or when waiting for subways). This means: we love to make regular appointments. So when it comes to a project, we will probably ask for more than one meeting to discuss the status of the work done so far. And indeed, be waiting in the conference room 5 minutes earlier. So better be on time. We like to plan ahead, and the worst thing that could happen is something not running on schedule.
Brainstorming stands as a potent technique that not only fosters creativity but also strengthens team bonds. This method encourages teams to come together, share their thoughts freely, and solve complex problems creatively.
Creating a world-class team requires building a culture rich in collaboration and teaming. A remote team has the potential to engage all employees to provide a variety of learning opportunities and to be a leader in building collaborative solutions for organizational success.
When implemented effectively, career discussions impact not only employee retention, but also the business success. In particular, career discussions allow you as a manager to capitalize on the employees? full potential and grow skills and experiences to meet business needs, ultimately improving organizational performance.
Helping your direct reports or team members learn through experiences, though, is easier said than done. This article is designed to offer tips and guidelines for creating and implementing on-the-job learning experiences for your team members or direct reports.
The matrixed employee is also saddled with the additional burden of negotiating among the competing objectives of multiple bosses, some of who may be rarely seen in person. No wonder the matrix is so difficult to make it work and most of the employees call it a nightmare.
Idea feasibility is a critical component in the landscape of corporate innovation and decision-making. It’s the litmus test that every proposal must undergo to determine its viability within the constraints of available resources.
Mind maps have a variety of applications in business, educational, and personal situations as aids in problem solving, decision making, and learning. You can use them for these purposes:
Working remotely is no longer a pain; smartphones, web apps, higher bandwidth and other technological innovations have enabled 24/7 connections across the world. Advances in online project management tools and Escrow payment systems has also turbo charged this segment,
A resume on a job site is an isolated or the best foot forward version of the prospective candidate. By glancing through the openly accessible social media profile and their friends or connections, companies have deeper data points even before meeting the candidate.
Being nimble and always prepared is the key to surviving the fourth industrial revolution. Life and markets are in no mood to give the corporate?s a second chance; give it your best shot on day one. You have the choice of either doing it or not doing it, once you are in the game, play to win.
The interviewer wants assurance on two fronts, one that you are a quick learner and second you have the persistence to stick around even if going gets tough in the new role. Sound off the hiring manager that you understand the new role and plan to stay for the long term in the sector if hired.
Elevating your life through setting high life standards is both a journey and a destination. It’s about continuously challenging ourselves to grow, improve, and achieve more than we ever thought possible.
As we look forward to the new financial year, the path to finding your next gig is laden with opportunities and challenges. By embracing popular voting, listening to the customer, and studying time usage, you position yourself and your team for success.
A company providing Blind Hiring in the United States conducted 1,200 auditions across 13 companies to study if real change is happening or not. The results were way better than the industry average,
The most successful individuals recognize the power of continuous learning. Regardless of your current skill set, it’s vital to understand that what you know today may not suffice tomorrow.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology after a research study in 2013, found that men don?t feel great about themselves, when their wives or girlfriends get successful, with their self-esteem dipping rather than feeling happy about their partners accomplishments. This research found evidence that men automatically interpret a partner’s success as their own failure, even…
You are in a important meeting debriefing the team about how to win the next big contract and here you have a team member who is asking stupid questions or reducing the depth of thought by cracking jokes, what do you do? Throw him out, or continue as it is? And sacking the employee is…
As the Indian economy moves northwards, the job market looks very bright. In a survey conducted by Michael Page, an international executive search firm, 76 % of the employers said that they plan to increase their headcount in 2016. Now it is up to you to ride this wave by getting a handsome pay raise and promotion with your current employer or by jumping ship to a place where you are valued rightly for your contribution, remember to tell the company if they give peanuts, they will get monkeys only. Don?t settle for less, jostle for more for you deserve a better lifestyle, avoid getting swarmed and fooled by the company loyalty and emotional drama.
Change management is an amalgamation of art and science and requires a combination of both people and system-focused skills. Depending on the kind of change being undertaken, different skills will come into play. The key skills needed you will need to be a change master are
An integral component of being a successful leader is learning how to communicate with your team. And the good news is that storytelling is not an innate talent of a few leaders, but is a skill that can be learned by all leaders in couple of days.
Although commitment to diversity must begin with the senior leadership, it must also be disseminated throughout the organization because senior management?s buy in is not sufficient to create the day-to-day atmosphere necessary to promote the retention of diverse employees on an ongoing basis.
Shabbily crafted and delivered messages can trigger feelings of self-doubt, anger, shock, or resistance. Secondly, do give space to your employees to vent out their feelings or reaction; don?t choke them with your managerial power.
Having a corner seat in the office has been one of the most cherished achievements in an employee?s life, a desk, which has a good, view and can comfortably seat the incumbent for eight to ten hours daily. Did you know that, having a permanent seat in the office might be doing more harm to your health than what you have envisaged. The peril of being fixated to the office seat came into limelight after James Levine, a Scientist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, reported in 2006 that sitting down for too long isn’t just bad for you, it can also kill you
Below are the sleep habits of 21 highly successful people throughout history. Not everyone keeps ?normal? hours, as is shown, but it?s important to do what feels right for you, tweaking your pattern as needed.
Immediate joining should ring an alarm bell, it a sign that some one just walked out of the job without serving the notice period. In normal circumstances this is rare, people do not like walking away unless the place is making them go mad.
Creating an organization that is free of toxic political behavior is likely an unattainable goal; it is within your reach to mitigate the conditions that allow such activity to thrive. As a manager you need to be aware of the factors that are the primary drivers in creating a consistently effective environment that mitigates political behaviors.
According to the Greek mythological legend, Mentor, a friend and counselor to Odysseus was entrusted with the education of Odysseus? s son, Telemachus. As a trusted senior adviser, Mentor was responsible for raising Telemachus and instructing him in the ways of the world. Today the term Mentor has come to mean a person who takes…