How To Be A Quick Learner

Our brain is an expert at making logical connections when it encounters an issue; now this may work if you have previously encountered and tackled a similar situation. When you hit a roadblock with a new issue, a good starting point is to ask ?Why? five times and see how many causes you can come up with. This increases the odds of a better solution because you can see more connections

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virtual teams

An Easy Way To Identify Training Needs

It?s important to put wings behind real business needs and use the training dollars judiciously, this will not happen unless you use a filtering mechanism to identify the hitherto hidden training needs. A popular and effective means of identifying the training needs is the usage of ?interview?, Interviews can provide you with an in-depth view of the specific skills that need to be honed or learned. These are some of the candidates whose input would be worth its weight in gold.

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Finding a Mentor Your Guide to Career Advancement

Finding a Mentor: Your Guide to Career Advancement

Finding a mentor is not just about having a guide in your career. It’s about forming a partnership that fosters growth, learning, and development. By carefully considering why you want to be mentored, ensuring trust, valuing experience, seeking simplicity, listening skills, confidentiality, and openness to share, you can find a mentor who will be a boon to your career.

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